Thursday, April 15, 2010

What does the Hamaiian name Keikoa mean????? What deos the Irish name Sunnia mean???

For Keikoa...

"Kei" = dignified, proud, glorious

"koa" can mean several things...the two definitions that make the most sense are: a type of native tree or "soldier, warrior, fighter."

So, Keikoa can mean "dignified koa tree," "proud warrior," etc. I'm guessing that the most probable meaning is "proud warrior."

I'm stumped on Sunnia/Suhniahd...I can't find it anywhere. I'm wondering if some Anglicize this name differently than "Sunnia." The following website has a number of Irish names and is in the process of adding more...maybe Sunnia will be added sometime in the future.

What does the Hamaiian name Keikoa mean????? What deos the Irish name Sunnia mean???
I am not completely convinced you've spelled these names correctly.

Suibhne and Suidhne are the closest I can figure you might mean, which could also be Sweeny, meaning small hero.

Keikoa could also be misspelled, so I am using Kealoha, again the closest, meaning love.

growing begonia

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