Sunday, November 15, 2009

How can I pronounce this Irish girls name?


I know it's pronounced "ro sheen." Can I pronounce it "ro SHEEN?" That is, with the emphasis on the last syllable?

I have made a name set, B茅ibhinn R贸is铆n, and they sound best together with my suggested pronunciation.

How can I pronounce this Irish girls name?
I pronounce it "roe-sheen", with slightly more emphasis on the second syllable
Reply:They seem nice names but if you ever gave them to your child.. a daughter of course.. she would have no end of trouble to pronounce her own name.. and especially Beibhinn is spelled entirely different from the way it's pronounced..

Celtic names are nice, a lot of them.. but even Enya the singer, Enya is not her proper name.. it's the Celtic version of Enya.. so she changed it as otherwise nobody would know how to pronounce it.. and it is not nice for a kid to have to tell the teacher and everyone she meets that they misspelled her name.. especially on a document that would be bad.. if she passed an important exam and her name was misspelled on that... that is very inconvenient.. and the middle name is not going to be used anyhow.. only the first one.. so why not name her Rosleen... that sounds simliar .. it's not as original but you pronounce it the way you see it... that is important...or I would go for a more easily pronouncable Irish name.. which people know..and which is easy to pronounce but still Irish... I would never give a child a name I dont' know how to pronounce and where I would know she would have a lot of trouble.. to explain over and over again how her name is written and pronounced... I would at least use one English sounding name and one Irish sounding.. then the child can change and use her middle name in case she has a lot of inconvenience in daily live being named Beibhinn or she has to move to Ireland... then people will know how to say it properly but that seems a drastic measure to take just to have an Irish name.. moving to Ireland
Reply:you could pronounce it how ever you like.
Reply:Hmmmmmm... looks like ROY-seen to me. But pronounce it whichever way seems the best for you!!
Reply:as in Roe Zheen? because that sounds good too.

i think its whatever you want


winter sweet

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