Sunday, November 15, 2009

What's up w/an Amer. who visited Ireland 20yrs ago, returns, changes to Irish name, fakes accent since then?

Since living this way for so long, he continues to befriend his "fellow" Irishmen in America in some sort of attempt to fool them as well. Bizarre!

What's up w/an Amer. who visited Ireland 20yrs ago, returns, changes to Irish name, fakes accent since then?
Well, his wife should have her own awareness of her husband and probably knows he is not a truth teller but rather a story teller.

It's bizarre and kind of entertaining because people like that really believe their lies and think they are fooling everyone. In truth others see right through them and I am sure there is some mental disorder attached to it. i am American after all and 85% of our nation has some sort of diagnosis... whatever happened to crazy! Anyhow, trying to figure it out is for the psychiatrist, it may have to do with lack of attention from childhood and he may not have high self esteem so he tells lies because his reality sucks. Kind of hits me like he is an adult child of an alcoholic or something along those lines. If I were you, I'd mind my own business and not be the messenger of this news to his wife, for truly it hasn't anything to do with you. BUT if you are in the company of this man when he is talking all his crap I would call him out on it. A dose of humiliation may make him think twice before spewing lies. But I doubt it. He is getting something out of it or he wouldn't be doing it.
Reply:Best to see to the beam in your own eye than picking at splinters in his.
Reply:It happens the other way too some fellas from here (N. Ireland) will go to the U.S for a few months and come back with the accent and affectations

Mind you we can usually beat that out of them after a few weeks

Not that its bad to change your accent... we just like beating on people..
Reply:Interesting. Well, I can only think that this guy

wants people to think of him as Irish--even if

he isn't.

He wouldn't be the first. George Bush loves

to make people think he's a cowboy; after all,

he was a governor of Texas; and he was born

in "The Lone Star State."

(But, that is where similarity to "cowboy-like"

stops. No one but George, himself, has ever

claimed he's got any "cowboy-like" qualities--

not even his pappy.)
Reply:Sounds like someone who needs serious professional help!
Reply:Mind your manners. You are not

too old to get spanked in public.
Reply:We call that a "Wannabe" in the states.

That's.... Want -to- be.


china rose

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