Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How do you pronounce the Irish name Mabbina?

Do you know where the name come from?

How do you pronounce the Irish name Mabbina?
Well, Mab is the usual Irish name and it would be spelled Maeb or sometimes Maeve (because in Irish it would be spelled with a dot over the b, causing aspiration of the letter -- it would be changed to pronounce it like a v in most dialects). She was a great Irish queen of long ago. It can be pronounced MAWB or MOB, but the correct pronunciation is more like Mehv or MEEVE. The -bina part is unusual and probably derived from Latin "Sabina" or similar names. I have heard that pronounced to rhyme with Tina and also with vagina. So to put it all together, you can pronounce it however the person wants. I would go with Mehv- EYE- nah as the top choice, followed by Maw-BEE-nah, and maybe MAB-in-ah as a third pick. The name-books say it means happiness in Irish. Not really, but who's gonna dispute it?

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